The Path of Yogic Singing and Sacred Dancing
Cultivating Wisdom with Manjusri
Four Video Lessons with Prajwal Vajracharya and Joshua Proto
Recordings will be available for viewing for one year from the date of purchase.
Four 2-Hour Sessions
In the Newar Vajrayana Buddhist Tradition of Nepal it is taught that there can be no liberation without singing and dancing — the physical body and the voice are the tools of transformation with which we awaken and free our minds.
Charya Nritya, a Sanskrit term meaning "dance as a spiritual discipline” is an ancient Vajrayana Buddhist dance tradition that until recently was unknown outside the circles of initiates who perform it. This sacred dance and song form is one of the religious arts of the Tantric Buddhist priests of the Kathmandu Valley, who perform it as part of their esoteric meditation and rituals since before the time of the Buddha. Each dance, through bodily gesture and energy-directed movement, invokes a different deity, such as Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Vajrayogini, or Vajrapani.
The Tantric practitioner dances in a state of deep meditative awareness in order to embody the living presence of the compassionate, peaceful, and fierce divinities, who are described in the esoteric Sanskrit charya-giti songs, sung as accompaniment to the dance and singing. Generating the mandalas of body, voice, and mind to realize oneness with the deity is the practitioner’s goal. Charya-giti are sung individually or by a group, with a variety of raga (melodies) and tala (metres); and accompanied by small cymbals known as ta and sometimes by a two-headed hourglass drum, or damaru. The songs begin with a flowing raga, followed by a more metrical section, including description and praise of the deity.
In this four week course we will learn the yogic song (Charya Giti) and the accompanying sacred ritual dance (Charya Nritya) of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom in order to cultivate wisdom and heal our own body, energy, mind, and emotions.
In the first part of each weekly class students will be instructed in the oral tradition of Nepalese Ragas (musical modes), tala (rhythmic cycles), and will be taught the traditional melodic song of Manjushri. Over four classes, students will become familiar with cultivating their voices, matching the pitches of the Raga, and keeping time. In the second part of the class students will learn the complete ritual dance of Manjushri, and finally they will merge the song and dance together.
The practical teachings on song and dance will be complemented by Prajwal’s teachings on the mythological origins of the Kathmandu Valley, highlighting the origins of Vajrayana Buddhism and Tantric Buddhist practice in the Kathmandu Valley.
This is a healing and a purification practice for body, speech and mind. Absolutely no prior singing or dancing experience is required. Just as all beings have the potential to attain liberation, everyone can also sing and dance, regardless of the quality of their voice or body condition. All are welcome!
- Four 2-Hour recordings of live webinars with Prajwal Vajracharya & Joshua Proto
- Audio Files of Charya Dance Songs
- Articles on the history and tradition of Charya Dance
- Additional Resources
Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Online Classroom Etiquette & Technical Requirements
Navigating this Learning Platform (Video)
Navigating this Learning Platform (PDF)
Articles about the Charya Nritya Dance Tradition of Nepal
Charya Dance Songs Used in this Course (Audio MP3)
Additional Sadhanas/ Prayers Used in this Course
Manjushri Song (PDF)
Manjushri Song (Audio)
Class One
Class Two
Class Three
Class Four
Four 2-Hour Sessions
Your Instructors

Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya

Joshua Proto